Installation guide for connecting Doorbell to Dahua Display

Today I will share with you how to install and connect the doorbell to Dahua’s screen in a simple way that everyone can do after my sharing below

Step 1: Log in to Dahua Doorbell

  • Log in to the Dahua doorbell by opening a web browser and typing (default or optional). 

Step 2: Proceed to configure Dahua Doorbell

Static IP settings for doorbells: Network -> Basic

Next, install SIP Server for the Network doorbell -> SIP Server. Please check and remove the Enable box to enter the following configuration information:
  • Server Type: VTO
  • IP Address: (Doorbell IP Address)
  • Port: 5060 (Doorbell Connector)
  • Username: 8001 (Number of rooms)
  • Password: Screen password
  • SIP Domain: VDP
  • SIP Server Username: admin
  • SIP Server Password: Doorbell password
  • Click Save to save the configuration
  • After the doorbell restarts, check the Enable box to activate SIP Server

Step 3: Connect the doorbell to the Dahua display

Go to Household Setting -> VTH Managerment -> Add

Then enter the parameters of the monitor to be connected as follows:
  • Fist Name – Last Name – Nick Name: It’s up to you to set
  • Room No. : Number of rooms you have installed the screen (here I put 9901#)
  • Registration Mode: Public
  • Registration Password: Screen password
  • Then click Save to save the configuration

Online status successfully connected to the monitor

Step 4: Install the display connection to the Dahua doorbell

You use the VDP Config software to perform the configuration. Projcet Configuration -> IP VTH you need to configure -> Single Point

Then enter the configuration information of the doorbell and monitor as follows:

  • Login Info:
    • User Name: admin
    • Password: Enter the screen password and click Login
  • Network Info: 
    • IP Address: (IP Address Screen)
    • Subnet Mask:
    • Gateway:
  • Local Info:
    • Room: 9901# (Screen room number)
    • Host IP – Host User – Host Pwd: Default
  • SIP Server: 
    • Sip Server IP: (Doorbell IP Address)
    • Sip Server Port: 5060 (Doorbell Connector)
    • Sip Register Pwd: 123456 (Screen Password)
    • Sip Realm: VDP
    • Login User: admin
    • Login Pwd: admin123 (Doorbell password)
  • Network Termi:
    • MasterVTO Name: Main VTO
    • MasterVTO IP:
    • MasterVTO User: admin 
    • MasterVTO Pwd: admin123 (Doorbell password)
  • Then click Save to save the configuration

Thank you for following article!

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