How to configure Vouncher Portal for EAP on Omada Controller

Hi everyone, when you use free wifi in public places such as hotels, restaurants, parks, hospitals … the system requires you to authenticate to enter vouncher, code, access to 1 specific website to let you access the internet from wifi, it is called Wifi Marketing. In the following article, I will show you how to configure wifi marketing with Vouncher feature and you can choose the authentication step that suits your real needs!

Here, for example, I am setting up a Wifi network system for a Hotel. With Vouncher Portal, each customer will receive a unique code to access the restaurant’s Wi-Fi, with the following requirements:
  • The validity period of the code depends on how long the guest rents the room
  • VIP guests will have access to high-bandwidth Wi-Fi network
  • All guests will be directed to the hotel’s website and advertised

1. Create a Portal Voucher

Step 1: Create 1 Wifi SSID for Voucher Portal

Go to Settings -> Wireless Networks -> Create New Wireless Network
  • Network Name (SSID): CCTV IT PORTAL
  • Security: None

Step 2: Create 1 Portal for SSID Wifi

Go to Settings -> Authentication -> Portal-> Create New Portal

  • Portal Name: CCTV IT HOTSPOT
  • Portal: Check Enable
  • SSID & Network: Chose SSID CCTVI PORTAL
  • Authentication Type: Hotspot
  • Type: Voucher
  • HTTPS Redirection: Enable
  • Landing Page: choser Promotional URL and input URL

2. Manage vouchers and speed limits for vouchers

Click Sties in the top-right corner then click Hotspot Manager to open the management page

Chose Vouncher -> Create Vounchers

– Create Vouncher for normal users, enter the parameters to be set for Vouncher as follows:
  • Portal: All
  • Code Length: 8 (vouncher character length)
  • Amount: 5 (vouncher quantity)
  • Type: Limited: Limited Online Users 5 (each code can be used on 5 devices)
  • Duration Type: Vouncher Duration
  • Duration: 8 hours (Each code is only valid for 8 hours (from the first use)
Configure bandwidth limits for normal users. For example, a normal user can only get a download speed of 20Mbps and an upload speed of 10Mbps, and a total traffic of no more than 10GB per day.

Click Save you will get a list of successfully generated codes as below

– Create 5 VIP voucher codes, unlimited bandwidth and code length is 6, enter the parameters to set for Vouncher as follows:
  • Portal: All
  • Code Length: 6 (vouncher character length)
  • Amount: 5 (vouncher quantity)
  • Type: Limited: Limited Online Users 1 (each code can be used on 1 devices)
  • Duration Type: Vouncher Duration
  • Duration: 8 hours (Each code is only valid for 8 hours (from the first use)

Click Save you will get a list of successfully generated codes as below

Thank you for following article – good luck!

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