Guide to store Camera Recorder via FTP – SFTP with Nas Synology DS415+

Today I will share with you how to backup Camera DVR data on Nas Synology via FTP and SFTP protocols in a simple way, here I use the recorder of Kbvision Model KX-8108TH1 and Nas Synology DS415+

Step 1: You need to initialize Nas

Step 2: Create Users for FTP – SFTP and decentralize users

  • Go to Control Panel -> User -> Create then name User here I set: ftpcamera

  • Then check the blue box in the Allow box of FTP protocol to grant user permissions in the Application Tab

Step 3: Create a Folder containing Camera Recorder’s recording data

  • Go to Control Panel -> Shared Folder -> Create then name the Folder you want to store camera recording data, here I put it: luutrucam

  • Then you go to File Station -> Create to create more subfolders if you have many recorders to store on Nas, here I create a subfolder that is daughicamera

Step 4: Proceed to Install FTP – SFTP protocol

Go to Control Panel -> File Services -> FTP then:
  • Check the box Enalble FTP service (No encryption)

  • Check the Enalble SFTP service box then click Apply to save the configuration

Step 5: Proceed to install the FTP-SFTP configuration on the Camera recorder

Go to Settings -> Storage -> FTP then Enalbe protocol FTP or SFTP depending on your choice, recommend using SFTP then enter the information you have configured Nas before:
  • Server Address: (NAS IP Address)
  • Port: 22 (FTP-SFTP connection port depending on you can set differently, here I leave the default)
  • Username: ftpcamera (User created and authorized to use FTP on Nas)
  • Storage Path: storage/daughicamera (Folder created on Nas)
  • File Size: 0 (Customize the size of the file here by yourself to default)
  • Chanel: All
  • Wire: All
  • Period 1: Check the General box
  • Then click Test to check the configuration and click OK

Step 6: Check the recording file on the Recorder that has been backed up to Nas

  • The file has been successfully backed up on the Nas Folder and stored separately each day according to each separate folder, very convenient for management

Thank you for following article!

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