Common Mistakes on Camera Recorders & How to Fix Them

In the process of using the Camera recorder, you will encounter some errors that you can fix yourself without having to call a technician. The following article, Emergency Camera would like to share the common errors encountered when you use the Camera recorder that you can fix yourself. Let’s follow along!

1. Error the camera recorder does not recognize the hard drive


  • ỔThe hard drive (HDD) is damaged or has a bad sector (although a new drive will also have this situation).
  • The hard drive cable (SATA) or hard drive power cord is not connected properly or is loose.
  • The SATA port on the mainboard of the recorder is damaged (broken or soldered…).
  • The hard drive (HDD) has a larger capacity than the recorder supports.
  • The voltage supplied to the hard drive is not enough

How to fix:

Some ways to fix the situation that the camera recorder does not recognize the hard drive:

  • Restart the recorder:  Disconnect between the hard drive and the recorder, then restart the recorder without the hard drive. If the DVR still boots normally, it is most likely caused by a problem with the hard drive and therefore needs to be replaced with another hard drive.
  • Format the camera hard drive:  If you cannot format the hard drive from the DVR, attach it to the computer (PC) and then format.
  • Reset the DVR to factory settings: It is possible that some of the recording settings inside the recorder’s operating system are not set up correctly. Therefore, please restore the recorder to factory settings.
  • Make sure you have the correct SATA data cable and hard drive power cable plugged in.

2. Error the camera recorder does not recognize the mouse

The error that the camera recorder does not recognize the mouse can be handled by the following methods:

  • Check if the mouse is faulty by plugging it into the computer.
  • If the mouse does not work, check the mouse port on the recorder
  • Or try resetting the camera recorder

3. The error of the recorder does not recognize the camera

The error of the recorder not recognizing the camera is usually due to the following basic errors. (Note: We must check if the power light of the recorder is on before checking the steps below


  • Jack connect 2 ends
  • Signal port on the recorder
  • Signal wire broken

How to fix:

  • Did you check the jack at the 2 camera ends and the jack at the recorder to see if it’s loose?
  • Check if the signal wire is broken
  • If the above 2 cases are normal, check if the camera is faulty

4. Camera recorder error does not show up

The error of the camera recorder does not show up usually very common and due to many different reasons, please refer to some of the solutions below.:


  • Jack BNC connection is not good.
  • The camera connector to the recorder board is faulty

 How to fix:

  • Check the BNC jack and cable again.
  • Change the camera plug position to another channel that is showing the camera image

5. The error of the camera recorder caused the loss of the Internet

When customers use the camera, there are often cases where there are some recorders connected to the network, making the internet slow or disconnecting the network. Usually the customer or some camera installation technician handles it by restarting the recorder and network modem. However, this way does not completely fix the above situation, we will guide how to handle the error of the camera recorder losing the Internet below:


  • If you see that the modem hangs or the network is slow or very slow, but when you unplug the network cable of the camera recorder (DVR), it will return to normal, so it will infer that the DVR has malicious code and may be being controlled. bandwidth usage causes network congestion.
  • Recently appeared with DVRs and cameras Made in China or similar with HTTP port as  80 and Media Port as  34567.
  • Occurs randomly due to being controlled and commanded remotely.

 How to fix:

Step 1: Get information related to the camera system

  • Recorder IP address, admin username and password for login
  • Port information of the recorder: Normally the recorder only needs 2 ports to operate
    • Web port (This port is used to view and configure the camera on the computer using a browser)
    • Phone port (This port is easy to find on any phone that is viewing the camera)

Step 2: Security configuration for the recorder

  • Must change the password admin of the recorder immediately.
  • Check again on the recorder if there are any accounts with admin rights -> Delete or change password always
  • Change the recorder IP address, Web Port and Phone Port to a random number other than the default  Port .
  • Turn off all other features of the recorder under Netservice
    • PMS
    • FTP
    • NTP
    • RTSP
    • P2P
    • Cloud
    • UPnP

Step 3: Security for the main modem

  • Change the login password of the main modem
  • Check in  NAT port  (also known as Open port, port redirect…):
    • Really just need to  open Web Port and  Phone Port  to be able to view the camera normally.
    • If you are using DMZ  or NAT  too many ports, please adjust it again

Step 4: Set the recorder to restart daily..

  • This step is very important, this will refresh the recorder and log out currently viewing accounts to reduce bandwidth.
  • Finally restart the recorder and  watch normally.

NOTE:  In addition, there is also a fastest and most effective solution to the situation that the DVR is attacked and the camera system loses its network, which is  replacing the Chinese recorders  with the USA and Japan camera recorders. , Korea.

6. Camera recorder not recording error

The cause and how to fix it:

  • For a camera system with a recorder but the camera does not save video, you need to check if the hard drive is working or not
  • Check the error of the camera recorder not recording by when the hard drive is running, it will vibrate slightly due to the movement of the rotating disks, please immediately replace the dedicated hard drive for the camera to upgrade the “lifetime” of use.
  • In the event that replacing the hard drive with a new one is still the camera recorder can’t record error, this is either the fault of the recorder or the error of setting the recording mode.
  • Many cases are customers installing 4 cameras but only 3 cameras are saved and 1 camera does not record even though the hard drive has been replaced, this is because the installer has not turned on recording mode for all 4 cameras go up.

7. Camera recorder error is hanging or broken

 How to fix:

  • Please check if the jacks connected to the recorder are secure.
  • Are the device settings correct and the connections from the recorder to the display device?
  • Should you consider the compatibility of the hard drive with the camera recorder currently in use?
  • Note:  Please place the camera recording device in a well-ventilated, non-humid, clean and dust-free place. At the same time, the location is less affected by the environment or magnetic fields caused by other devices.
  • Check the device connection to the local network. You need to consider whether the Hub or Router is working well or not so that you can take action.

8. The camera recorder is hot


  • The camera recorder gets hot because the cooling fan is broken and doesn’t work.
  • Because the main board is wet
  • Location of the recorder in the high temperature area

How to fix:

Based on 3 reasons why the camera recorder is hot, you can handle it in 3 ways to fix it:

  • Check if the radiator fan in the recorder is working, if not, it should be replaced.
  • Review the main board after starting the recording
  • Reposition the recorder at a suitable temperature position..

9. Camera recorder error is reset continuously

How to fix:

  • Check the  power supply  for the recorder to see if there is enough power? If you don’t have to change another source, it’s more secure.
  • Retry the camera’s ports to see if any ports when connecting to the camera cause the recorder to restart? If so, remove the camera from that port and don’t plug it in anymore.
  • If the above methods don’t work, then you can do the following steps: Default recorder -> change web port -> restart the recorder -> disable icloud of the recorder -> create a new password for the recorder .

10. Camera recorder error is hacked

The manifestation of a hacked camera recorder is that the user cannot access the camera interface screen, the screen shows a login error, a black screen or no display …


  • The main reason why the camera recorder is hacked is due to the habits of Vietnamese users.
  • Recorder camera system when installed from the dealer or supplier after handing over to the user.
  • Consumers often have not set up a safe mode, that is, they have not changed the default information of the recorder as well as the IP camera device.
  • Mostly users prefer to leave the default mode from the manufacturer.

 How to fix:

To ensure the safety of your surveillance camera system, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Accordingly, in order to avoid the camera recorder from being hacked, we recommend that all users also pay attention change the login information default camera password on the recorder and IP camera.
  • Exchange with customers’ personal information so that customers can easily remember and manage it, avoiding fraudsters taking advantage of bad purposes.

11. Remote control error does not work


  • The PIN is inserted incorrectly or the PIN is exhausted.
  • Remote is in “OFF” mode.

 How to fix:

  • Check PIN  again.
  • Open the System Menu, open “ON” Remote mode or attach a mouse, Right-click the mouse and look at the right corner of the screen to see if the Remote icon is in blue or red mode.
  • If red is the Remote mode is being “OFF” and you left-click to turn it green to be used.

12. Error can’t find video files in search menu


  • The schedule setting is not correct.
  • Haven’t switched to recording mode yet.
  • The search time segments are not correct.
  • The cable connecting the HDD (hard drive) is not good.
  • The system date and time are incorrect.
  • The system format has been changed.

How to fix:

  • On the schedule, you reselect the recording start time in paragraph 1 as “00:00 to 24:00”.
  • Switch to recording mode.
  • Select the correct recording time, check the HDD connection cable, check the system date and time.

13. Error cannot control the camera recorder


  • The recorder is locked.

How to fix:

  • Plug in the mouse, Right-click the mouse and the icons appear on the right corner of the screen. Left click on the padlock icon, then a window will appear asking you to enter “Username and Password”.
  • You must log in with top management privileges. The default of the recorder is: “Username: ADMIN, Password: 000000”
  • Or you can use Remote, press the “Lock” key, a window will appear and you can log in as above. Depending on the manufacturer, there are different usernames and passwords.

Thank you everyone for following the article of

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